This Studio was established to publically offer Unique AfraPositive & Transformational AfraImages in Print by AfraShe Asungi HHHAS, MFA, LCSW, which was originally offered in the late 1970s and includes the ORIGINAL "AfraGoddess Series . . . 1 ™"  notecards, small and large reproduction prints, and original  womin™-centered  and AfraMamaGoddess™ SheInspired™ artwork.

     SheKultural™ Studios is Our online eStore, where you may explore Our Unique Afrakan® SheInspired™ Products and Offerings.

     Also available : T-shirts, and AfraMamaGoddess™ altar / visualization images, and Afrakan® SpiraKultural™ journals and booklets.

    Our other eStores, where you can learn more about Our Unique Afrakan® Path is at www.AfraSheAsungi.com.

                       Explore & Enjoy . . .